Today, is the day that my wonderful husband was born. Forty-four years ago, a little baby boy was born. He had a bright future ahead of him. He had loving parents (thank you for the gift!) two great brothers. He knew when he was a little boy what he wanted to do, and he reached up and went after those goals.
He became a journalist while serving as a citizen Soldier in the Army Reserve. He served his community-by giving of himself. He served his country-by giving of himself. Then he met me and we fell in love and got married, he is a wonderful husband-because he gives of himself. He is the best father to our children-because he gives of himself.
After a deployment he decided 11 years ago to go full-time with the Army Reserve, one because he loves the Army Reserve and he desires to serve-giving up his life if necessary.
I admire and respect my husband so much, he lives his life by example, I see Jesus in him everyday. He isn't perfect, but I don't want that. I want a man who strives everyday to do it better, who reaches for the stars and if he doesn't get them, he gets up and tries again the next day.
Honey-thank you for being a true living example of what God created us to be. You are my hero, my best friend. Keep reaching for the stars and I'll keep following you to those stars!!
I love you!