I have a friend from high school who is a gay man, (came out a few years ago) who is also a pastor of a church, a charasmatic/penecostal church to be exact. (I attend an Assembly of God church so I believe in all the gifts of the Spirit.) My question that I have been wondering, is how he reconciles the Word with his lifestyle. God is very clear on homosexuality, yet he often talks on FB about how God moves mightily in their services.
I have read where people say God doesn't address that issue in the New Testament. It isn't mentioned as much. There is a scripture in I Corinthians 6:9 that addresses that issue.
1 Corinthians 6:9 (AMP)
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality, 1 Corinthians 6:10 (AMP)
10 Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God.
Just for arguements sake I have added vs 10 which also clarifies who else won't see the kingdom of God. So if that includes most of the world. Unless we have asked God to forgive us all our sins and have accepted Christ.
So I guess my question to him would be is living your life as a gay man, true to the Word of God? I have had my share of gay and lesbian friends over my lifetime, but I don't agree with their choice. I just pray that God shows us all the way to live holy and blameless until the day of judgement.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
A New Order...
Well we had let the children get lazy and they were not keeping up on things as they should. So this morning everyone was up by 6:30am and they have to have rooms picked up, beds made, clothes in dirty hamper ready to go to the laundry room. They also need to be dressed, teeth brushed and ready for school by 8am.
So today, this being the first day so far, we are at 100% compliance!
We are working on some remedial stuff and slowly getting into the new school year for them. It will be a little more difficult for them all, so this year I thought I would start them out a little earlier. One so they won't fall behind, another so their brains don't turn to mush over the summer.
Now if I can keep the four year old and the two year old occupied it will be a good day indeed!
So today, this being the first day so far, we are at 100% compliance!
We are working on some remedial stuff and slowly getting into the new school year for them. It will be a little more difficult for them all, so this year I thought I would start them out a little earlier. One so they won't fall behind, another so their brains don't turn to mush over the summer.
Now if I can keep the four year old and the two year old occupied it will be a good day indeed!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
If it ain't broke, it ain't ours!!
Well last night the 12 year old dropped the dvd/vcr recorder remote on the floor. We were hoping it was just the batteries, but no, sad to say it is not. It is the actual remote. Yes, it is going on four years old, but it still worked. So I google the model number and replacements for this remote run anywhere from $39.95 on eBay to $79.95 from a place on the internet. So I guess we will be going for the middle of the line universal remote.
My husband always tells me if it isn't broke it isn't ours, boy oh boy ain't that the truth.
My husband always tells me if it isn't broke it isn't ours, boy oh boy ain't that the truth.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Estate sales and pies
We decided to take the kids out to http://oldcountrybuffet.com for breakfast this morning . It is 12 year old son's favorite place for breakfast eating. He just loves their french toast sticks and then he adds cheese sauce, makes me want to gag, but hey he is only 12 and hasn't developed his palate yet (I hope).
We then ran into http://www.shoppersfood.com to pick up some stuff so I can make hubby another chocolate creme pie, since the 16 year old proceeded to dump the first one I made on the floor. It is always something.
Well then on our way home we ran into an estate sale. Over priced as it was, due to the fact it was in the "nice" home area. We found hubby a box of old Life and Time magazines for $20 then he got five Life magazines and one Look magazine for $23. So he is in heaven today. He will be reading and going through all of these all day today and maybe even tomorrow.
So today it is just magazines and pies, a very nice way to spend the day!
We then ran into http://www.shoppersfood.com to pick up some stuff so I can make hubby another chocolate creme pie, since the 16 year old proceeded to dump the first one I made on the floor. It is always something.
Well then on our way home we ran into an estate sale. Over priced as it was, due to the fact it was in the "nice" home area. We found hubby a box of old Life and Time magazines for $20 then he got five Life magazines and one Look magazine for $23. So he is in heaven today. He will be reading and going through all of these all day today and maybe even tomorrow.
So today it is just magazines and pies, a very nice way to spend the day!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Today is the day!!!
My baby comes home from church camp this afternoon!! I am so excited. I want to hear all about his first experience of being away from home, with no other family members around. I want to hear how many friends he made, how much he loved the food, and activities, but most of all I can't wait to hear how God moved in my boy's life this week.
My son, is only 12, but what an old soul he is when it comes to the Lord. He loves to read the Word, he loves church and all things related to God. I pray that he continues the love affair until the day he dies and that he won't settle for anything but God's best for him.
So I patiently await for 2pm EDT to arrive so I can leave the house to get him, I am sure if you want to hear about it as well you can travel over to his blog and read all about it. I am sure he will have tons to write about and since one of his assignments for school this year is to blog daily, he will save stuff for the blog. http://www.nate-lifeofapre-teenchristiankid.blogspot.com/
God bless!!
My son, is only 12, but what an old soul he is when it comes to the Lord. He loves to read the Word, he loves church and all things related to God. I pray that he continues the love affair until the day he dies and that he won't settle for anything but God's best for him.
So I patiently await for 2pm EDT to arrive so I can leave the house to get him, I am sure if you want to hear about it as well you can travel over to his blog and read all about it. I am sure he will have tons to write about and since one of his assignments for school this year is to blog daily, he will save stuff for the blog. http://www.nate-lifeofapre-teenchristiankid.blogspot.com/
God bless!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
School time is soon up on us...
Here it is 23 July already. The new school year will be upon us soon. As a homeschooling mom I have to start getting ready in the summer for the next year. I have changed curriculums this year so I have more planning to do which is a challenge for me, but also very exhilirating. I am challenging myself more as their teacher and tailoring more to their interests.
When we were in Alabama I went to an Abeka Curriculum Fair, it was interesting the man was a true sales man and unfortunately there were two women who were new or seemed to be new to the it all. You have to know the laws and learn for yourself what homeschooling is all about, or ask other mom's, but never go on the word of a curriculum salesperson.
I know I am all over the board today, just one of those days. I pray this year is a year of great expectations and great explorations for my children. I want them to stretch themselves and to know they are capable of more than what they think they are.
Our four year old is reading already, he started trying to read around December and is now reading the cc/subtitles on movies/tv shows. His two year old sister is wanting to be his little shadow, so that will be my biggest challenge this year.
I love seeing the spark in their eyes when they realize that they are learning something new or that they accomplished that one thing. So I look forward to the new year, not only for them, but me as well.
When we were in Alabama I went to an Abeka Curriculum Fair, it was interesting the man was a true sales man and unfortunately there were two women who were new or seemed to be new to the it all. You have to know the laws and learn for yourself what homeschooling is all about, or ask other mom's, but never go on the word of a curriculum salesperson.
I know I am all over the board today, just one of those days. I pray this year is a year of great expectations and great explorations for my children. I want them to stretch themselves and to know they are capable of more than what they think they are.
Our four year old is reading already, he started trying to read around December and is now reading the cc/subtitles on movies/tv shows. His two year old sister is wanting to be his little shadow, so that will be my biggest challenge this year.
I love seeing the spark in their eyes when they realize that they are learning something new or that they accomplished that one thing. So I look forward to the new year, not only for them, but me as well.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Half way done
Well today is Wednesday and my son will be home on Friday afternoon from church camp. I know he is having the time of his life, but I am missing him so! I guess that comes from being a homeschooling family.
My sister and I never went to church camp when we were young. Yet my husband spent his summers at church camp, his mother was the life guard. So our experiences are very different.
Our daughter got back from youth camp at the beginning of July. She had a wonderful time. She also got to experience six teenage girls sharing a room and bath. It was an interesting week for her from that stand point.
I am sure the rest of the week will go very fast, I hope! The other kids and I have been enjoying each others company. The two year old 99% done potty training! Yeah!! She is my last so we are leaving that "baby" stage. It is sad yet freeing in the same breath.
I have the best kids and husband in the whole world. Life is good!
My sister and I never went to church camp when we were young. Yet my husband spent his summers at church camp, his mother was the life guard. So our experiences are very different.
Our daughter got back from youth camp at the beginning of July. She had a wonderful time. She also got to experience six teenage girls sharing a room and bath. It was an interesting week for her from that stand point.
I am sure the rest of the week will go very fast, I hope! The other kids and I have been enjoying each others company. The two year old 99% done potty training! Yeah!! She is my last so we are leaving that "baby" stage. It is sad yet freeing in the same breath.
I have the best kids and husband in the whole world. Life is good!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Happy Birthday my love!!

Today is my man's 45th birthday!! Forty-five years ago the most precious baby boy was born. He has grown into quite the man!! He has been my hero for the past 14 years!! He is a man of integrity, honor and passion. Passion for life, for his work, but most of all for his Savior, Jesus Christ!
I am so very blessed to have been given this gift, even though today is his birthday, I am the one blessed enough to have been given the gift, him!
I love you babe! I pray all of God's blessings over you!
P.S. You are one sexy man!! ;)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Kids Camp
Today our twelve year old son has gone to camp. It is his first camp exeperience, and mine. He has stayed with family members or with a sitter when DH and I have traveled, but this is the first time he has been the one to go and leave us behind.
I am excited for him. He so loves God and His Word. He is such a sweet boy and I am so proud of him. He has his father's intelligence, he was reading by the age of three and his thought process scares me at times! (in a good way)
Nathaniel, I will miss you terribly, but know how very proud of you I am. I pray God's blessings over you this week and that He will show Himself mightily to you! Have fun, make lots of friends and most of all know how much we love you!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Just a normal Friday
Well this morning I got up and ran DH to the office early. The Army Birthday was June 15th, so they were having a 3 mile run at Ft. Myer. So it was off to the office at 5:20am.
I came home and was just doing normal housework, then the kids all started getting up. My son, is getting ready for a sleepover tonight after play practice at church. He is sitting with his two year old sister reading to her. My sixteen year old is getting herself around and my 4 yr old son has been up since 6am wanting to do it is a super website for pre/K phonics/reading.
I forget sometimes during all the mess of life that I am so blessed. I have a husband who loves me, children who are my life (even when they are naughty) and a Savior who loves me!
Life is good!
I came home and was just doing normal housework, then the kids all started getting up. My son, is getting ready for a sleepover tonight after play practice at church. He is sitting with his two year old sister reading to her. My sixteen year old is getting herself around and my 4 yr old son has been up since 6am wanting to do it is a super website for pre/K phonics/reading.
I forget sometimes during all the mess of life that I am so blessed. I have a husband who loves me, children who are my life (even when they are naughty) and a Savior who loves me!
Life is good!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
CaringBridge / godhealsme / Welcome
CaringBridge / godhealsme / Welcome
Shared via AddThis
My friend and sister in Christ, Marnie was diagnosed with breast cancer. The above link is for women with BC to journal their thoughts and journey. She is a very inspirational woman. Please be praying for her and her husband Dan.
Shared via AddThis
My friend and sister in Christ, Marnie was diagnosed with breast cancer. The above link is for women with BC to journal their thoughts and journey. She is a very inspirational woman. Please be praying for her and her husband Dan.
I know, I know....
Time and obligations seem to creep in and if you are not a "serious" blogger like myself. I tend to let life ie...kids, husband, housework, church etc....from keeping up with by blog, not that I have tons of people reading it. Which is fine, it is more for myself than anyone really.
We just got back from our home that we own in Alabama, we were there for two glorious weeks. We didn't want to come back. Alabama is our safe place so to speak. It is the one place that we can truly reset and refresh and energize ourselves. DH still has four to six more years before retirement. Yet my heart yearns to go and live there. Unfortunately that then turns DH into a geographical bachelor, and the children into a situation we don't want. Our two year old is daddy's little princess and oh how she loves him. It would break her heart if she couldn't run to him coming through the door after work, or crawl into bed with us if she has a nightmare. Being together as a family is way more important than to live in a house that we love. These years until retirement will fly by so fast, the others already have!
So until that day when we say good bye to active duty it is pick ourselves up by the boot straps go to Alabama when finances and time allow and enjoy while we can and be grateful for the blessings and the life that God has given us.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Happy First Date Anniversary, my love!
Fourteen years ago, I placed a personal ad in the Kosciusko County edition of The Paper . A very sweet and handsome man answered that ad, and today we are celebrating the anniversary of our first date.
We fell in love almost immediately and it was confirmed to me when I saw him with my daughters, especially Chanel. He was so good to us all.
He has worked hard over the past fourteen years to provide us with all the wordly goods, but he works even harder to show us his love. He is a man after God's own heart, and for that I am so very grateful.
God has blessed this woman more than she ever deserved. So Father God, thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon your handmaiden.
Jim, I love you! I am looking forward to the future.
Monday, March 9, 2009
This past weekend my husband graduated from Seton Hall University with a Master of Arts degree in Strategic Communication and Leadership.
It has been a long road, not just for him, but for us all. There have been nights of late night studies, weekends of him having to work on school. Church services and activities that he has had to forgo to accomplish what he has. Has it been worth it. Yes, it has taught our children that with hard work and discipline you can accomplish whatever you have set your mind to.
I am very proud of my husband and I congratulate him on a job well done!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Happy Birthday to my beautiful girl!
Today is my youngest child's second birthday. She is the youngest of five. We have three daughters and two sons.
Elizabeth Anne was born in New York. She is full of spunk. She is sassy, confident and she knows what she wants and doesn't let anything stand in her way. I pray that she always stays that strong, confident girl.
I, also, pray that she keeps the Lord close to her as she grows, that she will desire the Word of God and she will hunger after the things of God. I know if she will put the Lord first in her life she can achieve all that she wants in life.
Elizabeth-your daddy and I are so proud and honored that God blessed us with being your parents. We won't always make the right decisions and we may blow it, but know that we love you with all our hearts and everything we do is for you and your best interests. You are our precious angel and we love you!
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My daughter is working on some history schoolwork and she is dealing with pollution. Well she was going for the easy answer and I said to reach and think about all the other types of pollution.
Well that got me to thinking about all the spiritual pollution that we have in our lives. We allow the cares of this world to pollute our time with God. We allow the television, the extracurricular activities, even good things, books, time with our family to use it as an excuse to not to spend that one on one time we need with the Lord. It is a constant struggle to keep things in order. I don't want my relationship with God to be a struggle. I want it to be a joy.
How do you keep from being polluted?
Well that got me to thinking about all the spiritual pollution that we have in our lives. We allow the cares of this world to pollute our time with God. We allow the television, the extracurricular activities, even good things, books, time with our family to use it as an excuse to not to spend that one on one time we need with the Lord. It is a constant struggle to keep things in order. I don't want my relationship with God to be a struggle. I want it to be a joy.
How do you keep from being polluted?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Concentration-The game
I was in our local AAFES PX and saw for 75% off the computer game of Concentration. So of course I grabbed it. Well DH and I have loved it. Yet being the competitive person I am I get a bit miffed when I lose. Yes, I know not a very admirable thing to do, but yet, I have always been that way. Even as a pre-teen, teenager I was that way. I'd play games with my family, but I played for keeps. LOL, remember the game Pit. Oh, how I loved that game. We always had so much fun with that.
What games do you remember as a child? What were your favorites? Are they still out there?
Please share!!!
What games do you remember as a child? What were your favorites? Are they still out there?
Please share!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Monday and back to the grind
Well today is the first Monday of the New Year. How are you spending yours? Back at work, at home with the kids etc...
Mine is busy. Took dh to work then came back home and started on my list of to do's which I put on my Outlook as a task. I have so many things I want to do, but I know I need to a list if I will keep it a priority and not spend all day in front of the computer.
The children are all busy with their assigned tasks for the day and then they will get started on their schoolwork.
When we all work together things seem to go more smoothly. Now that doesn't mean that they like it, but it does work.
One thing this new year is I am making a list of what is expected of the children so they can't say they don't know. (and yes, they have used that line)
How do you make sure your family stays functioning? I am all for hearing new ideas, sometimes mine get very old!!
Mine is busy. Took dh to work then came back home and started on my list of to do's which I put on my Outlook as a task. I have so many things I want to do, but I know I need to a list if I will keep it a priority and not spend all day in front of the computer.
The children are all busy with their assigned tasks for the day and then they will get started on their schoolwork.
When we all work together things seem to go more smoothly. Now that doesn't mean that they like it, but it does work.
One thing this new year is I am making a list of what is expected of the children so they can't say they don't know. (and yes, they have used that line)
How do you make sure your family stays functioning? I am all for hearing new ideas, sometimes mine get very old!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy Lord's day to you all!
Wasn't too sure if I was going to be able to get everyone up and at it for church, but we did, even made it to Sunday School. Pastor has been teaching on the Old Testament in SS so that was good, he didn't make it to Ruth, and of course he will next week, when we are gone.
Our service was wonderful, we took communion and then the Lord just moved through the service. Pastor spoke on Hebrews 13 the first part of the chapter and how that is a wonderful "New Year's Resolution".
Then as we were closing with prayer the Holy Spirit moved and an exhortation to pray for Israel came forth.
The turmoil in Israel is horrible. What other country would allow people to bomb them, yet Israel is chastised for it. God help us all.
I hope this day finds you happy, healthy and wise! And praying for the peace of Israel.
Our service was wonderful, we took communion and then the Lord just moved through the service. Pastor spoke on Hebrews 13 the first part of the chapter and how that is a wonderful "New Year's Resolution".
Then as we were closing with prayer the Holy Spirit moved and an exhortation to pray for Israel came forth.
The turmoil in Israel is horrible. What other country would allow people to bomb them, yet Israel is chastised for it. God help us all.
I hope this day finds you happy, healthy and wise! And praying for the peace of Israel.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Early morning
The baby was crying, so we put her in our bed, but then I couldn't go back to sleep. So an early start to my Saturday.
Do you ever look back at pictures and wonder what was I thinking. Or do I really look like that? Urrghh. I have really got to kick it up and get this weight off. I am tired of shopping in the women's section and I want to feel good about myself again. I haven't felt that way in a very long time.
This is something I have to do for myself, not for anyone else. I know everyone else benefits, but I need to do it for me.
So here goes. Back to doing my Leslie Sansone dvd's everyday and pushing myself harder, not doing the bare minimum.
Anyone want to join me!!
Do you ever look back at pictures and wonder what was I thinking. Or do I really look like that? Urrghh. I have really got to kick it up and get this weight off. I am tired of shopping in the women's section and I want to feel good about myself again. I haven't felt that way in a very long time.
This is something I have to do for myself, not for anyone else. I know everyone else benefits, but I need to do it for me.
So here goes. Back to doing my Leslie Sansone dvd's everyday and pushing myself harder, not doing the bare minimum.
Anyone want to join me!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Jett Travolta
I just saw that John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son Jett died this morning after falling and hitting his head.
What a horrible tragedy, rich or poor, celebrity or no body. My condolences go out to his family and they are in my prayers.....
What a horrible tragedy, rich or poor, celebrity or no body. My condolences go out to his family and they are in my prayers.....
Catching up....
We today is my day to try to get organized to do what I want to do this year. It seems like it is so overwhelming, but taking one step at a time will make it easier. Keeping a list is what will help me get all my stuff done.
I still have a couple things on my to do list for today, but I know I will get them done.
What goals do you have for the year? For the month?
I pray that God will always show me and that I listen and do what He has called me to do. Some days that is just taking care of my kids and having fun. Others it is more, but I want to always hear Him when He speaks to me!
I am listening to Joyce Meyer right now and she is quoting John Maxwell and how to work on your strengths. www.joycemeyer.org and listen to today's broadcast. "Where are you going in such a hurry today?" It is so timely, at least for me!
God bless!
I still have a couple things on my to do list for today, but I know I will get them done.
What goals do you have for the year? For the month?
I pray that God will always show me and that I listen and do what He has called me to do. Some days that is just taking care of my kids and having fun. Others it is more, but I want to always hear Him when He speaks to me!
I am listening to Joyce Meyer right now and she is quoting John Maxwell and how to work on your strengths. www.joycemeyer.org and listen to today's broadcast. "Where are you going in such a hurry today?" It is so timely, at least for me!
God bless!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Wow, what a year 2008 was! It was a year of wonderful things that happened to our family, yet a year of sorrows and trials, some of which we are still trying to overcome.
Yet this new year brings a chance of do overs, that is one reason I love to PCS it is a do over!
I have several things I want to do, but the main one is commitment. Committing to doing what God has for me to do, and to finish the commitments from last year. To do only want I can do, and then do it all to the glory of God.
It will be a difficult year for my family and I, but we look forward to it and to the blessings God has for us.
May your new year be a blessing to you and your family and may you make it the best you have ever had.
Wow, what a year 2008 was! It was a year of wonderful things that happened to our family, yet a year of sorrows and trials, some of which we are still trying to overcome.
Yet this new year brings a chance of do overs, that is one reason I love to PCS it is a do over!
I have several things I want to do, but the main one is commitment. Committing to doing what God has for me to do, and to finish the commitments from last year. To do only want I can do, and then do it all to the glory of God.
It will be a difficult year for my family and I, but we look forward to it and to the blessings God has for us.
May your new year be a blessing to you and your family and may you make it the best you have ever had.
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