Thursday, May 5, 2011

Genesis 22 The sacrifice of Isaac...Parent/Child relationship

Today in the Major Events reading plan I am on chapter 22 of Genesis. The sacrifice of Issac. When we talk about it we talk about how God provides, but there is another lesson to be learned in this chapter. The lesson is child obedience. Abraham was obedient unto God. He brought wood and  his son, Isaac. Now Isaac must have thought, okay dad and I are going to the mountain to sacrifice and worship Yahweh together. They get there, Abraham prepares for the sacrifice....Isaac doesn't see any animal there, so he asks his father where is the animal (Gen 22:7) In verse 8 Abraham tells Isaac God will provide.

Let's look at this. Isaac was a good boy. He followed his father to the mountain and was ready to worship with him. Remember Abraham by this time was older, but Isaac would have been a teen, maybe a young man at this time. He could have ran from his father when he realized he was the sacrifice, but he didn't. He stayed and he allowed his father to tie him up to be the sacrifice. There had to have been more conversation there that Moses didn't record. Isaac would have asked why? He possibly would have begged please no, father, no. Genesis 22 records that it took 3 days for them to reach the mountain. We all know the sacrifice of Isaac is symbolic of the sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus knew no sin, so for Him we know how he pleaded with God let this cup pass from me, but not my will, but yours be done. (Matt 26:39) Yet Isaac knew sin, he was born into a sinful world, so he could have ran, fought with Abraham, he was younger, stronger...

The lesson I see in Genesis 22 is the obedient son, Isaac who submitted to his father's will. Just like we are to submit to our heavenly Father. Our Father gives us a commandment, or asks something of us, we are to humbly submit, as Isaac did to his earthly father, Abraham. Was it easy oh heavens, no. It would have been the most excruciating thing either one of them ever did. I wonder was their relationship ever the same? Did Isaac understand? Was he able to hear the voice of the Angel of the Lord (Gen 22:15-18) One think I will assume is that Abraham had taught Isaac the ways of the Lord, and he also had trust and an open line of communication with his son. So will we raise our children in the fear of the Lord and in His ways. Do our children trust us in the way that Isaac had to trust Abraham? I know I need work on myself as a parent.

My prayer for you all today is that God show you how to have that with your children like Abraham and Isaac had. Love, trust and open communication.

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